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Portland Personal Injury Attorney
kid in speech therapy

Speech delays and disorders are common in children with cerebral palsy (CP). The disorder makes it difficult for a person to control the muscles in their head, face, throat, and neck.

Not only can this lead to speech problems, but it can also cause trouble with chewing, swallowing, drooling, and interacting. If this is the case for your child with CP, speech and language therapy may be recommended.

Types of Speech Therapy

Various types of speech therapy may be used to improve a child’s verbal communication as well as the use of their face and neck muscles. The forms of treatment used can help improve issues such as:

  • Pronunciation
  • Stuttering
  • Vocabulary development
  • Listening
  • Tone, pitch, and volume
  • Breath control and support
  • Word-object association
  • Word comprehension
  • Conversation engagement
  • Swallowing
  • Chewing

Every case of CP is unique and requires a personalized approach in order to determine what the child needs improvement with and what therapy will be required.

How Speech Therapy Can Help

If a child with CP is impacted by any of the related problems we mentioned above, speech therapy is crucial for their development and is beneficial in many ways. With the right type of treatments, it can allow a child to:

  • Communicate
  • Express their needs and wants
  • Share their thought
  • Interact with others

Overall, speech therapy can drastically improve a child’s quality of life starting from a young age.

Providing Your Family With Legal Guidance

If your child developed cerebral palsy as a result of a negligent medical provider, Angel Law is here to hear your story and protect what matters most. You and your family may be entitled to compensation for any necessary present and future treatment as well as the mental anguish you have been through.

For trustworthy and dedicated legal advocates in your corner, contact Angel Law at (503) 862-8666 or fill out our online contact form. We offer free, personalized consultations for all.

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